Apex Anthology
Editorial: Worth a radio show!
By Ernest Kanjo
A scholar said Literature is life. What he meant was that in Literature, you can find everything in life and about life.
In Literature, if we look at it as a subject of study, you would find Mathematics.
In Literature, you would find Physics…
In Literature, you would find Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, Civics.
In Literature, you would even find Computer Science, Aeronautics, Medicine and what have you…
Literature tells the stories of life – the good, the bad and the ugly.
In a nutshell Literature is an embodiment of life.
However, there is a side of Literature that makes this discipline amazingly great – that fact that Literature is just a world, not meant to harm, even when it can spur emotions by telling some truths. Again, such truths told by Literature are intelligently put in a way that does not call for any alarm.
So, if Literature fits your head by telling the story of your unruly attitude, wear its cap.
If Literature fits your feet by telling the story of your oppressive attitude, wear its shoes.
If Literature fits your fingers by telling the story of your hypocrisy, wear its gloves.
If Literature fits your eyes by telling the story of your nonchalance towards the less privilege, put on its glasses.
One branch of Literature that cuts across and is a clear example of the above description, is poetry. Poetry is literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.
For one thing, it is naturally the most beautiful branch of Literature, thanks to its color, aromatic flare and you name it. For some reason, poetry appeals to our sense of love, belonging, care and so on.
Apex 1 Radio, just as any other platform that promotes art, got caught up in this aromatic flare of poetry and the quickest response was to conceive a show that celebrates this form of Literature. A form of Literature that is usually not given the attention it deserves, even when its impact is adequately strong.
That is how Apex Anthology was born and the show saw the light of day on February the 24th this year. UK-based poet Iggy Mizuh and author of HATE ME TO KNOW ME became the pioneer guest on the show. After him, we have had other poets provide their inputs on Apex Anthology including Eric Ngalle Charles, Leslies Maya, Lydie Mulu, Ameaka Fatima and Dr Focho Gladys. A couple of editions down the road, we took a short break, time to evaluate work done so and so back on the airwaves, we are bringing back some of our past guest poets to evaluate themselves on the show, evaluate the show production team, but most especially, say what can be done to improve on Apex Anthology.
Apex Anthology is a show that takes us on a journey into the world of poetry and into the lives of poets. On the show, we shall present poems, recite them, poetically appreciate them, talk to poets and promote poetic works.
And so welcome to this come-back edition of the show reaching you from Apex 1 Radio – here comes Apex Anthology!
My name is Ernest Kanjo – this show is produced by Marcel Adig.
Sharon Dione is co-host and will be in-charge of the décor plus recitals…
Ken Shally Monnette is our poetic appreciation resource lead….
Our guest poets toda are Iggy Mizuh, Eric Ngalle Charles and Lydie Mulu…
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