The Apex 1 Radio makeshift studio

Emmanuel Paye and Ernest Kanjo, reporting live from the red carpet of the maiden edition of the Sierra Heroes Awards.
Venerated African Journalist from Sierra Leone, David Vandy answering questions from Ernest Kanjo in the Apex 1 Radio makeshift studio. Vandy works for the VOA.
The Apex 1 Radio makeshift studio that harbored the live reporting of the maiden edition of the Sierra Heroes Awards on September 27, 2019 in Columbus.
At the Apex 1 Radio makeshift studio – maiden edition of the Sierra Heroes Awards- September 2019.


Columbus Gives Back has covered a wide distance in volunteerism in the city and its environs. Comprised of selfless men and women, the organization creates indelible impacts on the lives of many and on development. This Friday, Apex 1 Radio looks at this success story in the civil society world. Coming on air as Apex Snapshot guests, members of the organization explain the journey of Columbus Gives Back this far. Tune in at 7pm EST, listen (watch on Facebook as well) and ask questions, if you can. We will be streaming on and on TUNEin app. Take the rendezvous

Apex Snapshot: Web series dismantle menopause myth

Web series dismantle menopause myth

Editorial: Web series dismantle menopause myth
By Ernest Kanjo
Basic biological science teaches us about the various cycles in human life. These stages come along with certain physical as well as psychological changes. Unless a human being has a biological defect, these physical and psychological changes occur. Even when they are defective in certain areas, some of these changes that come as a result of change in stage show up.
That infants display that urge to have milk is a normal phenomenon. Suckling them becomes an utmost responsibility of the mother.

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