Radio Jagaran Apex 1 Radio Episode #5.
Today’s show: How to recognized sign & symptoms of mental illness,
How to tackle stigma & overcome taboos

Radio Jagaran Apex 1 Radio Episode #4.
Today’s show: Mental Health 101. The idea is to define mental illness in everyday language. We will add global, national, and community context to this issue. Myth and facts about mental illnesses. Mental Health challenges in our community and what we need to know from this show. Three key messages that you will learn and need to remember from this show.

Radio Jagaran: the voice of New American Episode #3.
The Bhutanese-Nepali community in Central Ohio is big and still growing. These hard-working and loving people came to the United States alongside aspect of their culture that make them proud – the music, dance, food, fashion, religion, craft, language, etc. The maiden edition of RADIO JAGARAN on Sunday, January 12, 2020 highlighted these points as what the radio show shall focus on. For 60 minutes, the hosts, Sudarshan and Ravi, urged listeners and potential ones to consider RADIO JAGARAN as a great platform to educate themselves on these values of a community that is vibrant from all ramifications. They also enjoined listeners to make suggestions on how the show could be improved upon. “You can do that by writing to info@apex1radio.com.” the hosts indicated. RADIO JAGARAN (bilingual – English and Nepali), voice of the new Americans to the world, as its slogan states, comes up twice monthly on Apex 1 Radio. It is a Sunday, 6pm EST show.

The Bhutanese-Nepali community in Central Ohio is big and still growing. These hard-working and loving people came to the United States alongside aspect of their culture that make them proud – the music, dance, food, fashion, religion, craft, language, etc. The maiden edition of RADIO JAGARAN on Sunday, January 12, 2020 highlighted these points as what the radio show shall focus on. For 60 minutes, the hosts, Sudarshan and Ravi, urged listeners and potential ones to consider RADIO JAGARAN as a great platform to educate themselves on these values of a community that is vibrant from all ramifications. They also enjoined listeners to make suggestions on how the show could be improved upon. “You can do that by writing to info@apex1radio.com.” the hosts indicated. RADIO JAGARAN (bilingual – English and Nepali), voice of the new Americans to the world, as its slogan states, comes up twice monthly on Apex 1 Radio. It is a Sunday, 6pm EST show.
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