Every year, an unaccountable number of movies are released and made to circulate within the African and global film markets. While many of these movies go through their market lifespan with little or no attention, a handful come a long with an amazing conspicuousness, leaving an indelible impact in the history books of seventh art industry. Reasons vary – story topic, storyline, cast, directing, impeccability of quality and above all, marketing campaign that accompanies the project. SAVING MBANGO as a film project is all of these, put in one, resulting in what has been described by pundits as a sumptuous package. The relevance of topic (cancer), the meticulousness in the way it is cinematographically presented plus the energy discharged in its promotion, make SAVING MBANGO (produced by Stephanie Tum and directed by Nkanya Nkwai) an excellent example of a successful project. This Saturday, at the movie’s maiden premiere, Apex 1 Radio beams the event into your homes live from the Canal Olympia Douala venue. Join the radio streaming as from 12:30 eastern time, 6:30pm in Mondoni at www.apex1radio.com – TUNEin (search Apex 1 Radio) – Facebook Live – Apex 1 Radio YouTube channel. Take the appointment!

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