2020 Race Moderators

2020 is determinant for people who live in the United States, including immigrants. How better or stagnant their lives would be thereafter, depends on choices they’ll be making at the polls. For Apex 1 Radio, we offer a platform for reporting the stories and using experts to educate our audience on the elections process. Be part of the show!

An Obama come-back via Michelle?

His name would be printed in bold letters upon scoring a spectacular victory at the 2008 race to become the first Black tenant at the White House. The succeeding eights years would thus be a memorable chapter in the golden book of American history, to be read by generations upon generations to come. But far from the man, Barack Obama and his administration, one element stood out tall in the era of the maiden Black President in the world’s most powerful nation. Michelle Obama!

For some obvious reason, America’s First Lady, from 2008 to 2016, observers had held, was an incarnation of excellence. Strongly molded with beauty and brains, Michelle smartly grabbed the show from the popular man-at-the-helm, her husband, leaving the former president with no choice, than to overly hail her at every single outing.

The First Lady would soon become too charismatic to resist – her keep fit displays, her dexterous dance on TV shows, her cuisine skills on TV, her interaction with kids – the moments were aplenty. Just as would be the case with any other wife of a President, Michelle would be seen in the softer areas of life, providing needed smiles on the faces of citizens.

However, Obama’s wife wouldn’t fail to prove she is a genius who is able to jack in everything, yet master all, even in politics, for which her husband was well reputed. Her speech to the 2016 Democratic Convention assembly would lift spirits and position her in the realm of crowd-pulling personalities. Many were those who wished it were Michelle, opposing the winner of the 2016 election to the White House, after that memorable address. “Michelle in Hillary’s place would have dealt a hard blow on Trump, I’m convinced about that,” Felix, an Apex 1 Radio listener in Columbus had told the station.

Almost four years down on, such Michelle Obama sentiments seem to be returning. Prior to the Super Tuesday to select their presidential nomination, a poll carried out, showed overwhelming support for former First Lady Michelle Obama as a running mate on the Democratic ticket in November. Done by Stanford’s Hoover Institution in conjunction with Stanford’s Bill Lane Center for the American West and YouGov, the poll which was conducted on 1,507 registered voters across California from February 26 to 28, had Michelle Obama scoring a 31 percent win over California Senator and Bay Area native Kamala Harris, 19, Klobuchar, 18, Stacy Abrams, 13 percent and Steyer, 10 percent (Source: CBS)

Since then, the thought of the former First Lady returning to Washington has regurgitated with folks taking to social media to express themselves. Rhetorics such as these ones were read prior to this write-up: “What if Michelle Obama becomes Joe Biden’s running mate…” “Would Trump survive a Biden-Michelle architecture?” “Assume Biden wins the Democratic nomination, how about Michelle as running mate?”

Earlier on Thursday, Apex 1 Radio sampled some opinions on a possible Michelle Obama entry into the race as running mate for the Democratic candidate. Our interviewees responded from four cities in Ohio – Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Bryan.


Michelle is a replica of her husband. If she becomes Vice President, it would be Barack, returning to the White House and that would be my greatest desire. I was and am still a fan of the former president. He cared about the middleclass and so too will be Michelle, if she gets into the next administration. I’m looking forward to seeing her run alongside the Democratic nominee.” Sandrine, Bryan


When I recall how Trump mercilessly knocked out Hillary both in the debates and at the polls, I fear for Michelle, should she run alongside the Democratic nominee. It’s no doubt that Trump will inflict hard verbal punches on her and I think Michelle is too good to be dragged in soiled waters. I wouldn’t endorse her participation in this election and even future ones. She was a great First Lady, so be it. Let her forget about the Vice President position, for, it is nothing bigger than her legacy.” Cletus, Columbus


Michelle is not only popular, but she is loved by Americans. She is smart, knows the four corners of the White House and the politics of this country. She would be an added impetus to the Democratic campaign and woe betides Trump. With Michelle around, Trump is history as from 2021. I hope she becomes running mate to Biden.” Andin, Cleveland


I’m a Michelle Obama fan and have been since her husband became President in 2008. I’m one of those who have always dared to say she will be President of the United States someday. However, I wouldn’t want her to be part of a team that would not make it. Donald Trump cannot be beaten in an election, at least this time. So, Michelle’s fame would be rubbed in mud if she is pitted against the current president because she would lose obviously. Let her postpone it.” Boris, Cincinnati


Michelle was a successful and much loved First Lady. However, will that necessarily make her a good Vice President? I do not think so. Politics is different from what we see from a distance. She lived at the White House as wife of the President and was not the one running the country. What makes people think she would be capable of running the affairs of the United States from the high office of Vice President? To me, Michelle should reject any such offer, even if the polls want her.” Paramont, Cincinatti

Erstwhile actress, humanitarian talks about foundation

Journalist Ernest Kanjo first interviewed Nina Marie in 2008. The then Editor-in-Chief of Among Youths and actress/model at the time, had met in a face-to-face talk in the magazine’s newsroom in Yaounde. That was probably the last professional encounter both people had until February of 2020 when they met again, this time on a different platform – Apex 1 Radio.

During the 60-minutes conversation on ON BOARD WITH ERNEST KANJO, now based in Vancouver, Canada, explained that after her short career in acting, she had driven her wheel across other fields, including translation and social works.

Thanks to her education in Social Works, coupled with her practice in the field, the actress in SAMBA, TV series currently airing on Africa Magic Showcase, got inspired to join the league of Africans who provide smiles to vulnerable populations. To that effect, Nina Marie, in August 2019, created the Nina Marie Child & Youth Foundation to cater for the needs of the underprivileged.

The humanitarian was in the United States for a Winter visit. Her first stop was Columbus, Ohio and second, Maryland.

Here is the interview on www.apex1radio.com – Tunein app and Facebook live at Apex1radio-www.apex1radio.com!


The art of telling stories through motion pictures is unarguably the most interesting, yet effective way of conveying a message. STRAY is a movie with a serious story. Guests to its premiere in Buea last Saturday, affirm the producers and the actors who interpret the story, packaged it suitably enough. The rest of this assertion would be confirmed after watching the Palmer Ngale Mbua film. Five days after the official outing, we come back to the event through which STRAY was presented to the public for the first time. Apex 1 Radio picked up high moments of the Buea Mountain Hotel red carpet event and in a 30-minute package, we bring them to you. Join us on a special APEX SNAPSHOT (film version) edition as from 11am EST (5pm in Mukunda, Buea) on www.apex1radio.com – tunein app – Facebook Live at Apex 1 Radio-www.apex1radio.com – Take the appointment!

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As true as it could be, that communication in contemporary times is more of visual, radio, pioneer in the electronic media landscape, has stood its grounds, why not the test of times. The strength of radio was and is still such that the power behind the voice, generates implacable images on the mind. In the process, we visualize the stories with absolute ease. This feeling is the handiwork of people whose faces, for long and until revealed by contemporary concepts (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc), had always been a mystery – call them radio hosts/presenters/broadcasters. Until you feel what they do, it’s hard to understand the aroma that comes with passion for radio. But more to that, the contribution radio and its hosts make to the development of the community (proximity radio in this case) and to society at large, is unquantifiable. As these professionals reflect on how to keep this age-old form of broadcasting waxing on, let us wish them a happy World Radio Day. Happy World Radio Day therefore!
NB: Join us on Apex 1 Radio – www.apex1radio.com this Saturday at 7:30am EST (1:30pm in Buea) for a special radio show dubbed RADIO & RADIO PEOPPLE (Radio for radio people and by radio people!)


The Saker Baptist College, Limbe is a representation of academic excellence and an embodiment of quality education. Even when they graduate and join other folks in the outer world, ex-students of Saker hardly forget their background. In the USA, Sakerettes have constituted themselves in what they describe as EXSSA, represented in several cities. EXSSA Ohio is the newborn yet making great strides. Its President, Lizzy Bonte Kombe and members have joined their counterparts in other States and worldwide to commemorate the 58th anniversary of the school. This evening, they explain more on this plus the A to Z of EXSSA Ohio. They are our guests on APEX SNAPHOPT on Apex 1 Radio. Join us at 5pm EST , today, Feb. 1, 2020, on www.apex1radio.com – Tunein app (search Apex 1 Radio) and Facebook Live @ Apex 1 Radio-www.apex1radio.com – Catch you then!


APEX SNAPSHOT: The Legacy of Martin Luther King jr.

The legacy of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. is in contestably the greatest, when it comes to civil activism, not only in the United States, but on a global perspective. More than five decades after he quit the stage, the world still pays tribute to the civil rights activist who is a great inspiration to millions of people. As the rest of the world joins the United States today, January 20, 2020 to celebrate the live of the hero, Apex 1 Radio is putting up a discussion on the life, works, exit and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The special APEX SNAPSHOT dubbed MARTIN Luther KING Jr FOREVER comes up at 6pm EST. Guests on the show will be Americans politicians and ordinary citizens. Join us at www.apex1radio.com – Tune in Radio– Facebook live at Apex 1 Radio – www.apex1radio.com



The Bhutanese-Nepali community in Central Ohio is big and still growing. These hard-working and loving people came to the United States alongside aspect of their culture that make them proud – the music, dance, food, fashion, religion, craft, language, etc. The maiden edition of RADIO JAGARAN on Sunday, January 12, 2020 highlighted these points as what the radio show shall focus on. For 60 minutes, the hosts, Sudarshan and Ravi, urged listeners and potential ones to consider RADIO JAGARAN as a great platform to educate themselves on these values of a community that is vibrant from all ramifications. They also enjoined listeners to make suggestions on how the show could be improved upon. “You can do that by writing to info@apex1radio.com.” the hosts indicated. RADIO JAGARAN (bilingual – English and Nepali), voice of the new Americans to the world, as its slogan states, comes up twice monthly on Apex 1 Radio. It is a Sunday, 6pm EST show.


Sevo Nchifor is gifted from all angles of music. As a talented singer, the USA-based urban artist composes brilliant heart-warming lyrics, some of which have entertained wide audiences across the globe within the past months. Sevo would also go thematic when need arises – reason he embarked on a soul-searching seasonal track, ALL ON ME, scheduled for December 13, 2019. Ahead of the official release of the masterpiece, featuring Jeeno, Sevo will make a stop-over on Apex 1 Radio to enlighten us on this latest project. During the upcoming radio production, the Cleveland, Ohio-based artist (doubling as Medical Doctor) will explain his journely in music plus what he has in store for the public. Stay connected for the announcement of the show. Meantime, tune in at www.apex1radio.com at 10am Eastern Time tomorrow, Friday, December 6, 2019 for an exclusive pre-release airing of ALL ON ME.